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Descent into Hell, by Charles Williams

Download Ebook Descent into Hell, by Charles Williams
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Taschenbuch: 207 Seiten
Verlag: White Press (12. Juni 2019)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1528711823
ISBN-13: 978-1528711821
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14 x 1,3 x 21,6 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.1 von 5 Sternen
5 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 1.273.365 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Among the writers associated along beside C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien with the "Inkling" writers, Charles Williams' voice is arguably the most curious. Williams' seven novels discuss the triumph of a vibrant, mystical, rather unorthodox Christianity over the forces of occult despair.Williams was by instinct a poet with more than a bit of Tennison among his influences. His books are fairly easy reading, even though he alternates between rather vivid literary allusion and an idiosyncratic stream of narrative consciousness. In this book, he personifies salvation and damnation in characters who, despite all the odd phrasing and high flown prose, seem eminently human. The passage in which a character meets a final damnation is extremely effective, neither preachy nor filled with that sort of "tacky Mr. Scratch and his horrid fire" sensibility that some writing about the afterlife can have. This, along with the other six novels in the series (the series is linked thematically and stylistically rather than by plot), is certainly worth a read.In our time, we see a lot of Christian fiction which seeks to tell stories of salvation and damnation through the use of fantasy characters (Peretti and his imitators come to mind). Yet, Williams' work, consciously literary, willing to risk heterodoxy to make a point, and infused with a victorian poetic sensibility, consistently takes the reader to places that the modern works fail to glimpse.In short, Charles Williams is the real thing, and well worth a read.
Charles Williams' writing has been described as "clotted glory", an appropriate label for someone who writes 'spiritual thrillers' with a good deal of obscurity in the text. There were two things I found particularly intriguing about DESCENT INTO HELL. One was the idea of taking on another's sufferings on one's own behalf, a sort of vicarious suffering made possible through sacrifice. The second was the actualization of self-centeredness, the self-absorption that ultimately leads to damnation, like a man who refuses freedom by clinging to a rope as he slowly makes a descent into hell. Overall, the book was a little better than average, though the imagery is quite potent.
Charles Williams was one of the 20th century's most underpraised great writers. His books have phenomenal depths -- more even than his pals to whom he is often unfairly compared, Lewis and Tolkien (Lewis admired his novels, Tolkien did not). He's far different from them, and that they were friends and hung out together has unfortunately yoked the three together, while they should all be experienced separately. If you are a reader of Williams already, you need to read this book. If you're just starting, try War in Heaven or All Hallow'S Eve. Follow War in Heaven with Many Dimensions, which is a sequel of sorts. A book admired by Dorothy Sayers and C.S. Lewish, The Place of the Lion, has unchartable depths and require too much knowledge of a casual reader, so then he should start Descent into hell, which is one of the strangest of his peculiar but wonderful works.
I have heard it said that one either finds Charles Williams' novels repellingly strange or utterly fascinating. I have found this to be untrue: I find Descent Into Hell both repellingly strange and utterly fascinating. All of Williams' novels are difficult reading: the depth of his thought baffled even C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien (good friends of his, and no mean intellects themselves).Williams' writing style and content will seem highly unorthodox to many modern Christians, but this is perhaps his greatest strength. Admittedly his works are strange, very strange (Descent Into Hell is perhaps the strangest), but at their core, beneath all the gothic style and occultic atmosphere, they are almost scintillatingly orthodox. Williams takes biblical Christianity, strips it of all the trappings and additions imposed by our culture, and dresses it up entirely different. This is not to say he regards Christianity as merely a creed; anyone who has read his books can tell you he does not "demythologize" Christianity--the books are steeped in the supernatural. Rather, he believes in a Christian cosmos, bound by both natural and supernatural laws, and subject at last to the will of the I AM.Although Williams' style is not entirely to my Chestertonian tastes, every time I read one of his novels I can hardly stand to put it down. At times they indeed seem like "clotted glory," but rest assured that the Williams' meaning will hit you at a later date with the power of a bolt of lightning. He's just so intelligent it takes the rest of us a while to catch up....
The characters in this novel often seem perched, in all of their weaknesses and habits of thought, just on the edge of eternity, which quivers there just beyond their conversations and what they comment on. And though in places in the book this seems to make some of the dialogue, in references to "terrible good," for example, stilted, in other passages this leads to some gripping and shocking reading. At one level, it's just prose, and some of it hard to follow. At another, it opens to levels that warrant further reading in future years. The novel starts out with introduction of the cast of a play, and it has all the feel of an Agatha Christi affair. The novel ends in the smudged depths of the damned, who, in choosing self over everything else, have created their own reality.
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